Horrigan, Joseph

shoulder problem? fix it fast: The 7-minute rotator cuff solution, a complete program to prevent and rehabilitate rotator cuff injuries - Los Angeles, CA : Health for Life, 1991 - x,140 pages : illustrations[black and white], 28 cm

The Theory: what the rotator cuff is - Anatomy-a starting place - Muscles - Rotator Cuff Anatomy -- What the rotator cuff does, and how it does it: Raising your arm over your head - Performing major upper body motions -Throwing a ball -- What goes wrong with the rotator cuff: Chronic degeneration - "-Itises" -Tears - Impingement - Joint contracture & adaptive shortening - Muscle imbalance - Fibrosis - Injury - How adaptively shortened internal rotators affect your training - Other sports & cuff injuries - Dysfunctional shoulder biomechanics -- The program: The exercises - Resistance exercises for the deltoids - side delt flyes - Front delt flyes - Rear delt flyes - Side delt isometrics Behind-the-neck press - Resistance exercises for the rotator cuff - Stretching exercises - Exercises to modify or avoid -- The routines: Selecting the right routine - Levels - Weight - Rest between sets – Supersets - Giant sets - Illustrated routines, explained - Athlete's rehabilitation routine, external rotator injury - Athletic rehabilitation routine internal rotator injury - Athlete's injury-prevention routine Athlete's injury-prevention routine, including delts - Bodybuilder's injury-prevention routine, including delts - Stretching routines - Athlete's rehabilitation routine -- How much, how often: Prevention - Rehabilitation -- Appendix: A more technical look at rotator cuff biomechanics and pathology - Shoulder & rotator cuff biomechanics - As abduction begins - When raising the arm overead During major upper body motions - Individual rotator cuff muscles – Supraspinatus - Infraspinatus & teres minor – Subscapularis - The role of other major muscles that act at the shoulder - Pathology & dysfunctional - Prevention and rehabilitation -- Glossary

A complete program to prevent and rehabilitate rotator cuff injuries


Shoulder joint--Articulación del hombro
Rotator cuff.--Manguito rotador
Prevent and rehabilitate--Prevención y rehabilitación
Cuff injuries--Lesiones del manguito rotador

612.97 / H816