Biblioteca José María Cagigal

Catálogo en línea

Su búsqueda retornó 334 resultados.

The association of scapular kinematics and glenohumeral joint pathologies

por [Ludewig, Paula M. ] | [Reynolds,Jonathan F. ].

Origen: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapyEditor: Estados Unidos: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapy, 2009Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles :

Current concepts in the scientific and clinical rationale behind exercises for glenohumeral and scapulothoracic musculature

por [Reinold,Michael M. ] | [Escamilla, Rafael ] | [Wilk,Kevin E. ].

Origen: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapyEditor: Estados Unidos: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapy, 2009Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles :

the recognition and treatment of first-time shoulder dislocation in active individuals

por [Wang,Robert Y. ] | [Arciero, Robert A. ] | [Mazzocca,Augustus D. ].

Origen: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapyEditor: Estados Unidos: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapy, 2009Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles :

Congenital instability of the shoulder joint: assessment and treatment options

por [Guerrero, Patrick ] | [Busconi, Brian ] | [Deangelis, Nicola ] | [Powers,Gina ].

Origen: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapyEditor: Estados Unidos: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapy, 2009Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles :

Frozen shoulder: evidence and a proposed model guiding rehabilitation

por [Kelley,Martin J. ] | [Mcclure, Phillip W. ] | [Leggin,Brian G. ].

Origen: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapyEditor: Estados Unidos: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapy, 2009Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles :

Coincidental findings of a vertebral hemangioma on magnetic resonance imaging

por [Elliott, James ] | [Gorman,Ira ].

Origen: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapyEditor: Estados Unidos: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapy, 2009Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles :

Clinical prediction rules in physical therapy: coming of age?

por [Fritz,Julie M. ].

Origen: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapyEditor: Estados Unidos: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapy, 2009Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles :

JOSPT Honors authors for research and clinical inquiry papers at CSM 2009

por [Simoneau, Guy G. ].

Origen: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapyEditor: Estados Unidos: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapy, 2009Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles :

Different nerve-gliding exercises induce different magnitudes of median nerve longitudinal excursion: an in vivo study using dynamic ultrasound imaging

por [Coppieters, Michel W. ] | [Hough, Alan D. ] | [Dilley,Andrew ].

Origen: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapyEditor: Estados Unidos: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapy, 2009Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles :

Reliability and diagnostic accuracy of clinical special tests for myelopathy in patients seen for cervical dysfunction

por [Cook, Chad ] | [Roman, Matthew ] | [Stewart,Kathleen M. ] | [Leithe, Linda Gray ] | [Isaacs, Robert].

Origen: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapyEditor: Estados Unidos: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapy, 2009Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles :

Maximal voluntary isometric neck strength deficits in adults with whiplash-associated disorders and association with pain and fear of movement

por [Pearson, Isabelle ] | [Reichert, Alison ] | [De Serres, Sophie J. ] | [Dumas,Jean-Pierre ] | [Côté, Julie N. ].

Origen: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapyEditor: Estados Unidos: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapy, 2009Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles :

Predicting short-term response to thrust and nonthrust manipulation and exercise in patients post inversion ankle sprain

por [Whitman, Julie M. ] | [Cleland, Joshua A. ] | [Mintken, Paul ] | [Keirns, Mike ] | [Bieniek, Melanie L. ] | [Albin, Stephanie R. ] | [Magel, Jake ] | [McPoil,Thomas G.].

Origen: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapyEditor: Estados Unidos: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapy, 2009Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles :

Effects of the airlift pttd brace on foot kinematics in subjects with stage II posterior tibial tendon dysfunction

por [Neville, Christopher ] | [Flemister, A. Samuel ] | [Houck,Jeff ].

Origen: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapyEditor: Estados Unidos: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapy, 2009Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles :

The effect of selective muscle fatigue on sagittal lower limb kinematics and muscle activity during level running

por [Kellis,Eleftherios ] | [Liassou, Christina ].

Origen: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapyEditor: Estados Unidos: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapy, 2009Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles :

The physical therapist as a musculoskeletal specialist in the emergency department

por [Lebec, Michael T. ] | [Jogodka,Carleen E. ].

Origen: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapyEditor: Estados Unidos: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapy, 2009Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles :

Differential diagnosis of fibular pain in a patient with a history of breast cancer

por [Ryder, Michael ] | [Deyle,Gail D. ].

Origen: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapyEditor: Estados Unidos: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapy, 2009Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles :

Neck pain: much more than a psychosocial condition

por [Sterling, Michele ].

Origen: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapyEditor: Estados Unidos: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapy, 2009Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles :

Characterization of acute and chronic whiplash-associated disorders

por [Elliott, James M. ] | [Noteboom, Jon Timothy ] | [Flynn,Timothy W. ] | [Sterling, Michele ].

Origen: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapyEditor: Estados Unidos: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapy, 2009Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles :

Muscle dysfunction in cervical spine pain: implications for assessment and management

por [O'Leary, Shaun ] | [Falla, Deborah ] | [Elliott, James M. ] | [Jull,Gwendolen ].

Origen: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapyEditor: Estados Unidos: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapy, 2009Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles :

Knowledge to action: a challenge for neck pain treatment

por [Gross, Anita R. ] | [Haines, Ted ] | [Goldsmith, Charlie H. ] | [ Santaguida, Lina] | [Mclaughlin,Laurie M. ] | [Peloso, Paul ] | [Burnie, Stephen ] | [Hoving, Jan ].

Origen: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapyEditor: Estados Unidos: Journal of orthopaedic & sport physical therapy, 2009Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles :

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